Overview of the Bouygues Management Institute (IMB)

"The role of the holding company is to coordinate, enhance and facilitate relations within the Group, as well as to develop synergies and dialogue between managers.
Rather than defining rules, it seeks to create a mindset to encourage new ideas without imposing a single way forward."

Martin Bouygues

Chairman of the Bouygues group

What is the Bouygues Management Institute?

Martin Bouygues created IMB in 1999 to give tangible expression to his desire to create a community of Group managers. Its training programmes have three aims: 

  • To disseminate the Bouygues group’s values and pledges

  • To create a space to interact directly with senior management on strategic issues

  • To facilitate networking between managers in all the business segments

2024 programmes available to managers

IMB is changing in order to address new challenges

“IMB is continuing to change in order to facilitate the development of managers who work to address environmental, societal and technological challenges, with the opportunities that this represents for the Group.”

Three career development programmes are available to Group Management Meeting members and “high-flyers” in the Bouygues group’s six business segments:

  • Campus: aimed at members of the enlarged Group Management Meeting and also accessible to members of the “Perspective” and “Trajectoire” programmes, “Campus” offers mandatory or customised seminar themes, in-person or on-line.
  • Perspective: for Group managers chosen by business segment senior management or Human Resources departments, “Perspective” aims to enhance visibility and interaction with senior management. Participants take part in seminars, conferences and self-appraisals backed up by inspirational contributors and forward-looking workshops.
  • Trajectoire: for women high-flyers identified by business segment senior management and Human Resources departments, “Trajectoire” prepares participants to take on wider responsibilities within the Group.

In pictures


The IMB team

The IMB team is available to answer any of your questions regarding courses, seminars, and practical inquiries.

If your question is general and public:

Ask your question in the general channel of the Teams team or in the channel of the relevant course, in order to share the answer with other members.

If your question concerns you personally (private):

Send us an email. We will respond as soon as possible.